2025 Research Symposium

The FREEDM Annual Symposium is where we showcase our research for the past year, hear from renowned speakers, and debate the future of energy and the grid. Please join us February 10 and 11 at the Hunt Library on Centennial Campus! Register for this year's event here using Eventbrite. The agenda for 2025 and previous years' symposia are below.


Monday, February 10
8:00 amRegistration and Breakfast
8:30 amUniversity WelcomeChristopher Frey, PhD
Associate Dean for
Research and Infrastructure
College of Engineering
NC State
8:35 amVeena Misra, PhD
Department Head
Electrical and Computer Engineering
NC State
8:40 amFREEDM UpdateIqbal Husain, PhD
FREEDM Executive Director
NC State
9:00 amKeynote SpeakerVictor Veliadis, PhD
Executive Director
Accelerating Commercialization
of SiC Chips and
Power Electronics
9:45 amBreak
Electric TransportationSpeakerPresentation Title
10:00 amTomas Sadilek, PhD
Principal Aerospace Power
Electronics & Motor Drive Engineer
Curtiss Wright
Electrified Actuation for Aerospace
Applications at Curtiss-Wright
10:20 amSarah Searcy
Emerging Technologies and
Innovation Manager
NC Department of
NCDOT's Electric Vehicle
and Automated Vehicle Initiatives
10:40 amPetri Korhonen
Innovation Director
Electric Mobility Research
at Kempower
11:00 amAshfanoor Kabir, PhD
Senior Engineering Specialist
Electric Motors for Transportation
11:20 amPoster SessionElectric Transportation
12:00 pmLunch
12:45 pmKeynote SpeakerVille Naumanen, PhD
Research Director
Kempower Electric
Mobility Research Center
Perspectives on Heavy Duty
Electric Transportation
in Europe
Renewable EnergySpeakerPresentation Title
1:30 pmBen Callum
Head of Product
PV Farm
Bridging Design to Construction:
Interactive Solar Engineering
1:45 pmVatan Kumar
PV Projects Manager
Update on Utility Scale Solar
Deployments in the US
2:00 pmZeljko Pantic, PhD
Associate Professor
NC State
FREEDM Research on
DC Microgrid Systems for
Offshore Applications
2:15 pmRifat Rachi, PhD
Power Electronics Engineer
Danfoss Drives
Green Hydrogen Production
2:30 pmTrent Miller
Lead Engineer, Microgrid
and DER Integration
Duke Energy
Hot Springs Microgrid
Performance post Helene
2:45 pmPoster SessionRenewable Energy
Wide BandgapSpeakerPresentation Title
3:30 pmKeynote SpeakerPeter Barbosa, PhD
R&D Director
Delta Electronics
Solid-State Transformers
in Medium Voltage Applications
4:00 pmWensong Yu, PhD
Associate Research Professor
NC State
SiC Paired Switches
for High Power Applications
4:15 pmDoug Hopkins, PhD
Research Professor
NC State
Advanced Packaging Issues
and A New WFD Platform
4:30 pmGovind Chavan, Phd
Principal Scientist
Protection Coordination
in DC Microgrids
4:45 pmPoster SessionWide Bandgap
5:30 pmReception with heavy Hors d'Oeuvres
Tuesday, February 11
8:00 amRegistration and Breakfast
8:30 amWelcome
8:40 amKeynote SpeakerDamir Novosel, PhD
Quanta Technology
Success Factors for Sustainable
Electrical Energy Delivery
Power SystemsSpeakerPresentation Title
9:15 amSayak Mukherjee, PhD
Senior Research Scientist
Pacific Northwest National Lab
On the Dynamical Impacts and
Advanced Controls for
Inverter-Dominated Grids
9:30 amHantao Cui, PhD
Associate Professor
NC State
Pathway Towards an
Open-Source Ecosystem for
Power System Software
9:45 amBreak
10:00 amHyeonjin Kim
Pre-trained Models for
Load Profile Analysis
10:15 amYi Hu
Generative AI in Power
System Data Analysis
10:30 amJishnudeep Kar, PhD
Hitachi Energy
A Risk-Aware Strategy for
Enhancing Power Grid Resilience
to Extreme Weather Events
10:45 amThree Minute Thesis Competition
11:15 amPoster SessionPower Systems
12:00 pmLunch
1:00 pmLab Tour and PostersFollow directions to FREEDM lab or parking deck.
3:00 pmAdjourn