May 9, 2018
Students host workshop with Typhoon HIL
As part of an ongoing initiative to foster interactions between students and industry, FREEDM’s Student Leadership Council (SLC) hosted their third workshop of the semester entitled “Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) for Power Electronics and Microgrids” on April 27, 2018. This workshop […]
March 30, 2018
Spotlight on FREEDM Alumni: Likhita Ravuri
While a student at BITS Pilani in India, Likhita Ravuri was researching opportunities to complete her undergraduate degree abroad when she came across FREEDM Systems Center. She joined Dr. Sdrjan Lukic’s research team for a semester before returning to India to […]
June 8, 2017
FREEDM Demonstrates System Components to NSF
As part of the Year 9 Annual Review and Site Visit by the National Science Foundation (NSF), students and faculty demonstrated several features of the FREEDM System design. Our high bay lab in the Keystone Science Center on Centennial Campus […]
May 11, 2015
Bridging the Divide
On NC State University’s ultramodern Centennial Campus, a startup company called GridBridge is helping electric utility companies adopt smart technologies that promise to revolutionize the energy business. It’s an exciting, if challenging, mission. “The utilities have to do a great […]
April 23, 2015
Baliga Wins Global Energy Prize
Inventor of the IGBT wins another scientific honor.