Since the beginning, FREEDM has promoted solutions to transform the electric grid. We are pleased to announce that we are now joined in that effort by LF Energy, the newest project of the Linux Foundation. LF Energy will promote multi-user collaboration on open source shared technologies to allow integration of clean energy resources. One of those technologies is the Resilient Information Architecture Platform for the Smart Grid (RIAPS) co-developed by Vanderbilt, NC State, and Washington State Universities.
“RIAPS is like ‘Android’ for smart grid applications,” said Dr. Srdjan Lukic, Deputy Director of FREEDM and NC State’s Principal Investigator for the project. “Our contribution to RIAPS has been the development of a microgrid control system that implements transition and dispatch functions.” Click here for details of the application that achieves microgrid sychronization after islanding.” RIAPS, based on Linux, is open source and has other applications contributed by the research partners. “Our plan is to translate the features of the FREEDM architecture to this platform to encourage greater adoption of the FREEDM System,” said Dr. Iqbal Husain, Director of FREEDM.
Other projects currently within the LF Energy ecosystem include “Let’s Coordinate” and “POWSYBL” (pronounced like ‘Possible’). “Let’s Coordinate” allows easier communication between transmission system operators and distribution system operators or regional security coordinators. POWSYBL is a grid modeling tool for planning and operations. LF Energy is supported by member corporations like RTE, the French transmission system operator. Learn more at
To learn additional information about this project, click here.