How can critical infrastructure be protected from external threats? That was the question asked by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, a US Department of Defense organization. To answer this question and identify existing installations for further study, Instant Access Networks (IAN), a DOD contractor, decided to gather experts for an all-day discussion. FREEDM Member Pos-En was asked to host the meeting at the Keystone Science Center on Centennial Campus and also review their microgrid technology for incorporating certain “hardening” features. In addition to a tour of FREEDM’s Green Energy Hub testbed, the group visited the Advanced Transportation Energy Lab to review progress on Pos-En’s Modular Electric Generator, a portable “microgrid in a box” concept soon to be deployed in the Dominican Republic. Attendees included federal agencies, engineering firms, sensor providers and FREEDM Member Schneider Electric. The group also toured a water treatment plant to review an example of critical infrastructure protection.